Thursday, March 19, 2020

Re- Editing Blog: IMovie is working !!

Since school is still closed we had to start using IMovie. School board officials are saying that school will remain closed until April 15th, but the project is due on April 9th. The school is handing out computers on Friday. We were going to get computers from there, but decided against it. We decided against it because it was a slim chance that we would be able to get the computer that we edited on. This made us decide to just work on our phones and use IMovie instead. We did a group face time call to plan out everyone’s part. It would be less stressful and easier to do so. My group members and I did a group face time call to determine our plan of action for IMovie. We believed that we could share our work and work on IMovie at the same time, but the editing software did not allow us to do that.

Since the editing software did not allow us to share the footage we had to find a way around it. We determined that we just break the editing into parts for different members to edit. The first part of the movie is going to one of my other group members. She will edit the first couple scenes and add the music that we chose. She will then export the edited video and send it to the group chat that we have. The next group member will import it to their editing software and then edit their parts. They will export it and send it to us and then me and my other group member will do the last part. We will take the edited video and add the part that we have. We will then put it together and edit it. After that is finished we will send that to the group chat for everyone to review. When the review is done we will take the final footage and turn it in to be submitted to cambridge. 

Monday, March 16, 2020

Editing Blog: Going to use IMovie !

We had no choice but to re-edit our footage. The Corona Virus put our film at a set back. Since the virus entered Broward County, the school board closed school. We intended to go to school on Monday and continue to edit the film. We finished editing most of the film and intended to just add transitions onto the edited footage. We were then going to add the downloaded music and then finally export it to our USB. We were then going to upload it onto our blog for our teacher to see it and send it off. The hassle of the schools closing put my group in a panic at first. After we calmed down and talked as a group we came up with an idea. Since all of our footage was saved on the USB we would just have to start over and edit again.
Some of us had some of the edited footage on our phones, this allowed for at least some of the editing to not have to be done. The new editing software that we used was called IMovie. We used this one because we can all edit and share our editing with each other much easier. The editing was easier because we could all edit on our phones and iPads. This caused for us not to have to worry about the software not working. It also made it more convenient for us to edit at any time of the day because it was on our phones. We added all of our footage to a google drive so that everyone can make sure to have all of the footage. We then went through the footage to make sure that it was all the correct footage. We then started to import our footage into IMovie to start the editing process again. With this done we started making a plan on when and how we were going to finish editing and adding the rest of the film. 

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Editing Blog: Titles and more !

Today in class we had another chance to start editing. We continued to edit our film and also made a plan. This plan was our plan of action on how we want to finish the film in an orderly fashion. We decided that if we did not finish today that we are going to have two of our group mates come during study hall to add transitions. Today we edited our film some more by adding new scenes. When we went over the film we seen that there were still some scenes missing. It turned out that when I sent the footage that I took from my phone it did not send properly. I originally used iCloud and the videos were sent using mail drop. The mail drop would not let my group member download the videos to the computer to insert them. This caused me to have to send the missing footage using Gmail in order for my group mate to get the footage and insert it into the editing software.

We also found music for the film as well. We found some suspenseful music that did not sound too scary and that did not sound too light. We looked for music that did not sound too scary because the film is not a scary film and we did not want to make it feel like that. We did not want it to be too light because we wanted the music to have the audience in a suspenseful mood. At first we did not know if the music was copyrighted. We figured it out by clicking on the publishers policy at the bottom and then reading it. It stated that if we were using the music for  paid advertisement then we would have to make sure to put where the music was from. It also stated that if we were using it for educational purposes or a school project then it would be fine for us to use. We had some trouble at first downloading the music through the youtube mp3 converter, a site used for downloading music from youtube. We got help from our peers showing us how to make sure that it is downloaded. After it downloaded we saved the music to the computer and added it to our movie file. We then decided that when the group mates go tomorrow during there study hall they will insert the music and then all of us will go over it on Monday. 

Monday, March 9, 2020

Editing Blog: We finally got to edit !

We were finally able to start editing about two class periods ago. We started by transferring the different files to different computers. This was because we had to switch computers about nine different times. We did this because the editing software was not working on any of the computers. This caused us to not only have to switch computers, but we had to postpone editing until the next class period. That class period we found a computer that had working software and then transferred the footage to a USB. After doing that we had to add the films on to the desktop with the software working. Once this was done we started putting the footage together. We cut some of the videos short and cut some of the footage out completely. We then kept letting others review the footage that we put together to make sure that it looked good.
After doing that we decided what footage needed to be re-shot. We did this so that we could be prepared for when we are allowed to reshoot our footage. Once we were done figuring out the footage that needed to be reshot, we had to find the title design font that we chose. We went into the title folder in the editing software and clicked on fonts. We then scrolled down until we seen the font Dior Wolfe. We clicked on the font and wrote our titles on a black screen. After doing these things we inserted out titles into our film. We did this by adding one title into the title track of our film and the other title into the footage track. We added it to the footage track in order to make it an actual scene in the movie. We put the title in red on a black screen.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Peer Review Blog: Why we could not do the Peer Review

In class we were supposed to do peer reviews of another person’s movie. A peer review is when we watch another group’s movie and then give our feedback. This feedback is then taken into consideration by the group. After they get the feedback it is up to them if they want to edit or change anything because of what we said. Unfortunately we could not take part in this process. The reason we could not do this was because the person we were supposed to peer review did not show up. We had two days to peer review the people we were assigned. When the person did not show up the first day we used the time to keep editing our film. We found a working computer and then used the rest of the class period to make some more changes. We cut some scenes shorter and started putting them together.
After we did that, we added some more scenes from the movie folder that we created and kept editing them to get the movie just right. It was then time for the class period to end, so we saved our work and put the computer back. The next time we had class we waited for the person that we were peer reviewing to show up. Once it was obvious the person was not going to show up we continued to edit again. We were taught how to get different titles online and insert them in the editing software that we use. After finding the titles and inserting them into the software, we inserted the titles into the film that we were editing. We then sent some scenes to the computer. These were scenes that we forgot to send the class before. In order to continue editing the film we had to insert the scenes that we sent to fill in the gaps. When we finished adding and editing the scenes we recorded the piece of the edited movie we had from our phones. We did this because the person peer reviewing us did not come to school that day, so we sent the recording to them for them to peer review us. 

Audience and Institution Practice Essay

   1.    Assess the importance of marketing in the media area you have studied. Marketing in the film industry is extremely important. T...