The editing process went smoother than last time. Last time we were editing the computer software was down and we had to push the project back. Not only did that happen, but I was not there in order to help my group. I was there for some of the shots, but I did not get to play my part in the editing process. This time we will all have a chance to play a part in the editing process. For the editing process we have decided to insert some transitions. We did this to make it seem like it just switched to the next scene. It blends the scenes together and makes it look like an actual music video. This is because many other music videos include switching from scene to scene. This also means that we are going along with one of the editing conventions for music videos.
We had to cut some of the videos. We did this because some of them were too long and it would make the video past the time limit. Another reason we cut some of them was to cut out the unnecessary parts in the shots that we were taking. Such as me saying start before us filming or us discussing the details while the camera was still rolling. Another thing we did was try to make sure the shots matched the part of the song that would be playing. We did this by playing the music on our phones while filming and this helped us know which part of the song goes where. Since we recorded this on our phones we could just mute the sound on the laptop and listen to which part of the song goes to which shot on our phones. This makes the process easier because we don’t have to keep taking sound off the shot and putting it back on to make sure that it is the right shot for the music. This makes the music video look well rehearsed. This makes our video look like a real music video.
We had to download the music through an MP3. We did this so that we can save the music on the computer just in case anything happens to the audio. We also downloaded the clean version. We did this because our teacher told us it had to be school appropriate. Even though the song Skywalker is school appropriate, it has some parts that are not. This means that we have to download the clean version, so there is no profanity or inappropriate speech. We put all of the shots and music on a flash drive for the safety reason as well. We sped some of the shots up to make the video look like an actual music video. In normal music videos they have some shots that are slowed down. This shows that we go against the music video convention in the sense of speeding the video up. However, we are trying to find some shots that will be slowed down to match that convention as well. All of this will make our music video look like a real video.
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