It was very hard to narrow down to two pitches. We tried merging them together and unfortunately it didn't work until we looked at other trailers . Once we looked at other trailers and looked at other Aice media examples we decided to go with these two pitches .The first pitch is He met this girl thinking he was going to fall in love , the whole time she was plotting something sinister, something he might not survive.While the second pitch is Someone follows three teenage girls while getting ready to have fun at their first college party. One goes missing and now they can’t find her. Both of this pitches were great plus the incorporated all of what interested them . Out of the 3 pitch ideas these two was our favorites.
We narrowed down the three pitches into two. The first of those two pitches is, He met this girl thinking he was in love, the whole time she was plotting something sinister. Something he might not survive. We chose this pitch because we have a whole plan formulating on what we want to do. We want to have one of the female group members to trick someone, me, into falling in love with them while she plots with the other members to set me up. This is also a very rational choice as well. We did not want to do something too complicated that we can not finish within the allotted time. It is also the more rational idea because we can do this with the group members that we have. We also looked at other factor such as the props, costumes, make up and places where we were going to do the pitch. Looking at these factors and more we all decided that this was one of the top contenders.
The second pitch that we chose to do is, Someone who follows three teenage girls while getting ready to have fun at their first college party. One goes missing and now they can't find her. This was a very great pitch that we chose because it was a good one that we all agreed on. We combined our first round of pitches in order to make this one. We have a very solid plan that we have come up with and that we have decided is a very rational plan. We already have a location picked out, costumes picked out, and have the people we want in the film picked out as well. We have the ways we want to film mapped out and we know exactly where we want to go with the story. Knowing this makes it easier for us to make an opening scene to the film because we know what we want to do after the scene. This makes this one of the best pitch ideas that we can choose from.
After debating on which pitch was the best, we finally came to an agreement. The pitch that we agreed on was pitch number 3. The third pitch was, Someone follows three teenage girls while getting ready to have fun at their first college party. One goes missing and now they can’t find her. While deliberating, we found that pitch number three had the best ideas. We also felt confident with the pitch and the plans we had for the film. This made it a perfect pitch for us. It fit our needs and addressed all of the concerns we had.
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